Source code for localmaxfilter.interfaces.exports

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Date                : August 2018
| Copyright           : © 2018 - 2020 by Tinne Cahy (Geo Solutions) and Ann Crabbé (KU Leuven)
| Email               :
| This file is part of the QGIS Tree Density Calculator plugin and treedensitycalculator python package.
| This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public
| License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
| This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
| warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
| You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (COPYING.txt). If not see
| ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import os
import tempfile
from osgeo import ogr

[docs]def write_point_layer(output_path, points_dict, geo_transform, srs, mask_path=None, feedback=None, context=None): """ Convert the input point dictionary to a vector point layer using the image metadata (srs and geo_transform). The points are clipped to fit the given mask. :param output_path: the absolute path to the output vector file :param points_dict: a dictionary containing the raster values and pixel locations Keys: RasterVal, Pixel with keys x and y :param mask_path: the absolute path to the mask file for clipping :param geo_transform: geo transformation coefficients :param srs: spatial reference system :param feedback: necessary for the processing tool :param context: necessary for the processing tool """ if mask_path: # temporary file before clip tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() output = os.path.join(tempdir, 'points.shp') else: output = output_path # create empty layer driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') data_source = driver.CreateDataSource(output) # if the layer exists in memory, add '(1)' description = "point layer" while data_source.GetLayerByName(description): description = description + ' (1)' layer = data_source.CreateLayer(description, srs=srs, geom_type=ogr.wkbPoint) layer_definition = layer.GetLayerDefn() layer.CreateField(ogr.FieldDefn("RasterVal", ogr.OFTInteger)) # add points from dictionary to layer origin_x = geo_transform[0] origin_y = geo_transform[3] pixel_width = geo_transform[1] pixel_height = geo_transform[5] point = ogr.Geometry(ogr.wkbPoint) for element in points_dict: coord_x = origin_x + pixel_width * element['Pixel']['x'] + pixel_width / 2 coord_y = origin_y + pixel_height * element['Pixel']['y'] + pixel_height / 2 point.AddPoint(coord_x, coord_y) out_feature = ogr.Feature(layer_definition) out_feature.SetGeometry(point) out_feature.SetField("RasterVal", int(element['RasterVal'])) layer.CreateFeature(out_feature) out_feature.Destroy() driver = None del layer, data_source if mask_path: # use processing in qgis session import processing "native:intersection", {'INPUT': output, 'INPUT_FIELDS': [], 'OUTPUT': output_path, 'OVERLAY': mask_path, 'OVERLAY_FIELDS': []}, feedback=feedback, context=context )
[docs]def write_mask_layer(output_path, mask_path, trees_path, log=print): """ Copy the input mask to a new shapefile, and add an extra attributes: - field 'Area_ha' contains the area of the polygon - field 'TreeCount' contains the number of trees found in that polygon - field 'TreeDens' contains the number of trees per ha :param output_path: the absolute path to the output Shapefile :param mask_path: the absolute path to the input vector file :param trees_path: the absolute path to the input point vector file :param log: log function """ check_path(mask_path) check_path(trees_path) # copy vector file to new shapefile mask_data = ogr.Open(mask_path) mask_layer = mask_data.GetLayer() driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') output_data = driver.CreateDataSource(output_path) output_layer = output_data.CopyLayer(mask_layer, output_path, ['OVERWRITE=YES']) # open the point layer point_data = driver.Open(trees_path) point_layer = point_data.GetLayer() # get the id field. if any id's are empty, return None point_fields = [x.lower() for x in point_layer.GetFeature(0).keys()] if 'id' in point_fields: id_field = 'id' elif 'fid' in point_fields: id_field = 'fid' else: id_field = None point_count = point_layer.GetFeatureCount() if id_field: for i in range(0, point_count): if point_layer.GetFeature(i).GetField(id_field) is None: id_field = None break # get the point count per polygon point_count_per_polygon = {} point_wkts = [] if id_field: for i in range(0, point_count): polygon_id = point_layer.GetFeature(i).GetField(id_field) point_count_per_polygon[polygon_id] = point_count_per_polygon.get(polygon_id, 0) + 1 else: point_wkts = [point_feature.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt() for point_feature in point_layer] # add fields to output layer. 'TreeDensity' is too long, therefore 'TreeDens' field_config = { "Area_ha": {'width': 32, 'precision': 4}, "TreeCount": {'width': 32, 'precision': 0}, "TreeDens": {'width': 32, 'precision': 2} } for field_name in field_config.keys(): if output_layer.GetLayerDefn().GetFieldIndex(field_name) <= 0: field = ogr.FieldDefn(field_name, ogr.OFTReal) field.SetWidth(field_config[field_name]['width']) field.SetPrecision(field_config[field_name]['precision']) output_layer.CreateField(field) # for each polygon, add tree density information polygon_count = output_layer.GetFeatureCount() for i in range(0, polygon_count): # area polygon_feature = output_layer.GetFeature(i) geom = polygon_feature.GetGeometryRef() area = geom.GetArea() / 10000 polygon_feature.SetField("Area_ha", area) # tree count count = 0 # Select the intersecting features if id_field: count = point_count_per_polygon[polygon_feature.GetField(id_field)] else: for point_wkt in point_wkts: if ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(point_wkt).Intersects(polygon_feature.GetGeometryRef()): count += 1 polygon_feature.SetField("TreeCount", count) # tree density polygon_feature.SetField("TreeDens", count/area) output_layer.SetFeature(polygon_feature) # print result log("Polygon {0} is {1} ha and has {2} trees in total or {3} trees/ha.".format(i + 1, area, count, count/area))
[docs]def write_voronoi_layer(output_path, point_path, mask_path=None, feedback=None, context=None): """ Convert the input point vector to a Voronoi polygon layer and clip it by the mask layer :param output_path: the absolute path to the output voronoi vector file :param point_path: the absolute path to the input point vector file :param mask_path: the absolute path to the overlay vector file :param feedback: necessary for the processing tool :param context: necessary for the processing tool """ check_path(point_path) tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() if mask_path: # temporary file before clip output = os.path.join(tempdir, 'voronoi.shp') else: output = output_path # check geometry: in case multipoint --> point try: driver = ogr.GetDriverByName('ESRI Shapefile') data = driver.Open(point_path) layer = data.GetLayer() feature = layer.GetFeature(0) geom = feature.GetGeometryRef().ExportToWkt() except Exception as e: raise Exception(str(e)) if 'MULTIPOINT' in geom: tempdir_pt = os.path.join(tempdir, 'point.shp') # use processing in QGIS session import processing 'qgis:convertgeometrytype', {'INPUT': point_path, 'OUTPUT': tempdir_pt, 'TYPE': 0}, feedback=feedback, context=context ) point_path = tempdir_pt # use processing in QGIS session import processing "qgis:voronoipolygons", {'BUFFER': 0, 'INPUT': point_path, 'OUTPUT': output}, feedback=feedback, context=context ) if mask_path: # use processing in qgis session import processing "native:intersection", {'INPUT': output, 'INPUT_FIELDS': [], 'OUTPUT': output_path, 'OVERLAY': mask_path, 'OVERLAY_FIELDS': []}, feedback=feedback, context=context )
[docs]def check_path(path): """ Check if path exists. Skipp path which are in memory :param path: the absolute path to the input file """ if path == '': pass elif 'vsimem' in path: pass elif not os.path.exists(path): raise Exception("Cannot find file '" + path + "'.")